The Alpine School is one of the most affordable Steiner schools in the country.
While The Alpine School receives government funding, contributions from the school community in the form of fees and donations are vital to our success and enable us to create an inspired learning environment for our children.
We aim to keep the fees as affordable as possible, and we recognise that fees can sometimes be difficult to manage. If the fees are a concern for you, please talk to us - our aim is to welcome all interested families to our school, and we will be happy to discuss options with you.
The Alpine School fees for 2025 are:
Child Per term Per year
First Child 837.00 3,348.00
Second (20% discount) 670.00 2,679.00
Third (40% discount) 502.00 2,009.00
Fourth and subsequent Free Free
Note: Sibling discounts apply to siblings who are enrolled concurrently at TAS.
In addition to sibling discounts, the following will be available in 2025:
Pay on time discount – 5% if the term’s fees are paid by the due date (usually end of week 2) in each term.
Up to 5 scholarships will be offered each year at the discretion of the Board. They will be valued at 50% off the standard fees. Other discounts will not apply.
To apply for a place in 2025, or join the waiting list for 2026 and beyond, please fill in the following form for each child.
*Required fields.